Practical Completion
July 2012

What is Practical Completion?
he definition for Practical Completion will vary depend on the type of Building Contract you are using. The following is a guide on the ABIC Building Contracts’ definition; please refer to your contract for the full definition.
The works are at practical completion when, in the reasonable opinion of the architect:
a. they are substantially complete and any incomplete work or defects remaining in the works are of a minor nature and number, the completion or rectification of which is not practicable at that time and will not unreasonably affect occupation and use,
b. all commissioning tests in relation to the plant and equipment shown have been carried out successfully and,
c. any approvals required for occupation have been obtained from the relevant authorities and copies of official documents evidencing the approvals have been provided to the architect.
The owner takes possession of the on the date the architect issues the notice of practical completion.