Concept Design
July 2012
Pre Design
During the initial client meeting a brief would have been obtained from you; which would have formed part of the Client and Architect Agreement. At the pre-design stage I will obtain a more detailed brief from you. I will issue this in a written format for your approval. For a residential project this may include your particular likes and dislikes. I will spend time with you to try and understand how you live. This is an extremely important stage of your project.

Throughout the whole project I will arrange, attend and record meetings with you.
Recommendations will be made for the appointment of other Specialist Consultants as required, including their fees. These would have been listed in your Client and Architect Agreement; and may include a Building Surveyor, Ecological Sustainable Design (ESD) consultant, Geotechnical engineer (for a soil report), Cost Consultant, Structural/civil engineer etc.
A site appraisal will be carried out to establish the site conditions and constraints. These may include overlooking issues, privacy, noise, orientation etc. This is an extremely important step in the design process.
A Planning Property Report will be obtained for your site; this will confirm the Town Planning zone and overlays.
Typically for a residential new build, alteration or extension the zoning will be a Residential 1 Zone (R1Z). The schedule for your zone will be confirm to see if there are any variations on the standard requirements under Clause 54 or Clause 55; which will impact your design. Overlays which may affect your site can include Heritage, Significant Landscape, Floodway, Bushfire Management etc.; these may trigger additional approvals.
As the design progresses further assessment of authority regulations and requirements will be made. This typically includes discussions with Town Planners at the local council.
Typically at this stage I will organise a Feature Survey and a Re-establishment survey by a licensed surveyor on your behalf. A Feature Survey is typically a requirement for Town Planning approval; whilst a Re-establishment survey is undertaken to redefine your property boundaries.
Sketches, diagrams and other information will be made to adequately explain the concept to you; often in the form of free hand floor plans, elevations and perspectives. This will be accompanied by a preliminary selection of materials and finishes.
A preliminary estimate of the Cost of Works will be prepared; this may be carried out in conjunction with a Cost Consultant.
At the end of this stage your approval will be gained for the design concept; along with your approval to progress with the Design Development and Town Planning stages.