Who Wants To Be A Cookie Cutter

I love working closely with my clients. It is fun collecting all the little bits of information about them that will inform their design. I thrive on making their design’s bespoke. After all who wants to be a cookie cutter – not me!  

I try to understand my client’s likes, dislikes; and tap into those things that particularly inspire them. Sometimes I feel like a psychologist!

I try and take clues from their furniture, objects, etc. I sometimes ask what they particularly like about these objects.

Sometimes I can see themes.  Other times I don’t.

I also work with lots of images. My ipad is filled with images that inspire me (I am also a huge fan of pininterest).   They are all filed under different themes like form, material, typology. I use this as a tool to get to understand my clients like and dislike. Through this process I can soon pick out the images they will like. This inspires my design. I feed off my client’s likes and dislikes. It makes in more fun. I like the challenge of creating something that both my clients and I will love.

It is interesting working with different people. I try to gauge their reaction to the designs. Some people express their reactions verbally; others may not. I rely on my intuition. It is so important in this job.

I don’t want my client’s to simply like a design; I want them to fall in love with it. I want them to be excited. If they are not in love with it I’ll rework the design until they are.

Sometimes clients’ have preconceived ideas on a design. Sometimes I will come up with a solution that challenges them. Sometimes we have to ditch it; other times the penny drops and the absolutely love it.

It is such a fun process.