Ivanhoe House Receives 2024 Houses Awards Commendation for Heritage Excellence

We’re thrilled to share that our Ivanhoe project, otherwise referred to as Crown Road, has received a Commendation in the 2024 Houses Awards for a House in a Heritage Context.

This prestigious category celebrates exceptional work in new constructions and conservation projects within heritage settings. To qualify, a project must be under statutory heritage protection by a local authority or a higher level, though exceptional cases may be considered. Our submission highlighted how we thoughtfully integrated new design elements with conservation efforts to honour and enhance the site’s heritage significance, demonstrating excellence in adaptive reuse and conservation.

We’re particularly proud that this award is sponsored by Heritage Council Victoria, reflecting our commitment to preserving and enriching our architectural heritage.

This project was a collaborative effort with the Architect Hewson, and we are grateful for our partnership in bringing this vision to life.

You can find out more about this project here.