Finding A Builder
July 2012

Finding a Builder – the fifth stage of your core architectural services
This stage, which we refer to as Contractor Selection, occurs after the completion of the Construction Documentation stage. The options for Contractor Selection include tendering or negotiating with a preferred contractor. There are advantages and disadvantages with these two options; which can be discussed in further detail with you.
If you chose this route the tender documents will be issued to all tenderers. Typically I would recommend three tenderers. There is a huge investment of their time and money in preparing a tender submission; and it is unfair to tender to more than three potential contractors.
I will respond to any inquiries from the tenderers. Upon receiving the tenders and after the closer of the tenders the tenders will be opened. Together with the cost consultant, if any, these tenders will be assessed.
If necessary the preferred tenderer can be negotiated to obtain an offer acceptable to you.
Negotiated Offer
During a negotiated offer I will assist you in determining the preferred negotiation process. The relevant documents will be issued to the prospective contractor to describe the scope of the works. I will arrange and coordinate negotiations and any enquiries they may have. Together with the cost consultant, if any, I will assess all submissions from the prospective contractor required to establish the contract price and final project scope.
Upon completion of the Contractor Selection stage your approval will be obtained to prepare the contract documents; these will form part of the Contract Administration Stage.