ARBV Architectural Practice Examiner 

I have been invited by the Architects Registration Board of Victoria (ARBV), a statutory authority with its primary responsibilities including the registration of architects and approval of architectural companies/partnerships, investigation of complaints against architects, provision of Tribunal inquiry into professional conduct and accreditation of architecture courses, to become an Architectural Practice Examiner. I feel honoured to be invited and have proudly accepted the position. I have a passion for encouraging, supporting and mentoring graduates of architecture, particularly woman, to register as architects. Registration provides formal recognition of our skills, training and experience in the eyes of both the public and the profession. It’s process offers learning and networking opportunities, and is an important career milestone, and enabling us to set up our own practice. It also provides access to many of the systems used to obtain and reward our work, and leadership roles which are limited to registered architects. Research also indicates that registered architects earn higher salaries. Most importantly, after years of study and work it allows us to officially and legally call ourselves an architect.