Architectural Advice
April 2014
Will the right advice save me money?

Before carrying out a project, it is critical that you obtain the right professional advice.I had a potential client who purchased a property for its amazing Art Deco features and generous garden.She was troubled by the existing layout and considered numerous renovation options, all which were expensive and unnecessary. The budget was limited.
After asking her numerous questions I came to the realisation that she was looking for a stronger connection to her rear garden from the indoors. I was then able to achieved a solution involving minor alterations, whilst keeping the original integrity of the house, proving the expensive alterations were not necessary. With the substantial savings I suggested money was spent on the garden, after all this was one of the main reasons she bought the property, so it could be brought up to its full potential. The end result being a house and garden, with a strong connection, that she could fully enjoy and love.