Architect Or Draftsperson

This is a client’s experience of having used a draftsperson and an architect.There is a well published project, comprising of an home alteration and extension, that I have often admired designed by a local architect. When I realised is was built by a builder I knew I sent him an email congratulating him on the beautiful project. Before I knew it the builder had kindly organised for me to see the work. Lucky me.It was fantastic to see the project in the flesh, and to see the architect’s attention to detail being beautifully carried out by the builder. It reminded me that it’s not only important to have the right architect, it is equally important to have the right builder.

It was also interesting to speak to the client about their experience of working with an architect.The clients had previously carried out a renovation and extension on a another property; however, in that case they used a draftsperson. It was interesting to hear their own personal experience, of one using a draftsperson, and the other using an architect. Now that they had experienced both options they commented they appreciated the value in using an architect. The value wasn’t just in the design and construction process, it was in the final outcome. They now had a home that was far superior, which vastly improved their quality of life. They commented that even though their previous project was lovely, it was like comparing chalk and cheese, and that engaging an architect was the best decision they could make. They don’t plan on using an architect again, as they love living in their current house, and have no plans of moving. That’s the sign of a happy client.If you’d like to discuss your project, please contact me for an obligation free consultation.