The Growth Of Passivhaus In Australia

Chris Nunn, Australian Passive House Association chairperson, is quoted saying “In light of the dissatisfaction many people have with the current building stock – in terms of quality, and the cost to keep warm and cool – this early growth of Passive House in Australia is the beginning of a new era of high quality, high performance, ultra-low energy buildings that Australians will really appreciate.”

It is an exciting period for high-performance, ultra-low energy homes, in Australia. Recently NSW has received certification for its first two Passive House (or Passivhaus). This brings the total number of certified Passive Houses in Australia to 18, with hundreds of Passive House buildings at either the design or construction stage.

We have also seen Monash University’s new student accommodation, Gilles Hall, completed, which is the first large scale building in the southern hemisphere to achieve Passive House certification.

In addition to this, The Fern, an apartment building in Sydney, is seeking to be the first certified Passive House in Australia.

We have also seen Schools Infrastructure New South Wales commission a report on the case of developing schools in NSW to the Passive House Standard.

In the UK the first certified Passive House was completed ten years, and now there are over 1400 certified Passive House units completed to date, with the annual increase being 20%. Australia’s first Passive House was completed in 2014, and it will be interesting to see if Australia exceeds the UK’s annual growth over a ten year period.

The above quote can be found at this link click here.

To learn about the basics of Passive House (Passivhaus) click here.

I am a Certified Passive House Designer. If you’d like to build a high-performance home, please contact me for an obligation free